Thursday, February 12, 2009

7 things that make birthdays suck

1. Bums.
2. Cake on face and other body parts. Its ok if someone licks it off. But when they decide to leave some on, ugh! it stinks!
3. Friends call you and ask you if you're feeling 'young at heart'. NO I AM NOT!! I"M STILL YOUNG DAMMIT!
4. After they give you bums, dunk you in cake, they expect you to throw a party for them! (Can you believe their nerve! ;))
5. The number of messages you have to answer. Phew! Why did you have to go around and make so many friends in the first place!
6. Bums again.
7. That one call you're waiting for. The one call that makes you jump every time your phone buzzes. That one call that does not come.


whatmark said...

point 3. There's a reason they keep asking you that. Deal with it.

point 7. People can be really small, but i really hope that call happens. "Call him dammit!"

Sudhir Pai said...

point 8. Bums again!

Point 9. Where's a party, hari? we're getting older waiting for it, man.

Point 10. Bums again!

Ro said...

oooh!it was your happy birthday!!! :D happy bday to you fat old bum!
bums :D m sure they must've lasted forever --snigger--
oh and point no.7: shit yeah, i hope that call happens soon :( lousy deal for a bday.and if it doesnt, make sure you call and blast :/.

Sue said...

now who could have forgotten to call a sweetheart like you :P

*wet, sloppy kisses from spooky for your birthday*