Saturday, February 7, 2009

7 things that make High Fidelity a damn good film. Even 9 years later.

1. Jack Black and his absolute madness.
2. The lists. No points for guessing what's behind 7 things now.
3. The records man! Vinyl is the way.
4. Lisa Bonet. Oooooh baby!
5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Can't live with it. Can't live without it.
6. The balls to chase a dream, even if all it gives you back is a whack on those very balls.
7. Love. Its vagaries. Its whims. Its pain. Its shamelessness. Its blindness. And its sheer fucking audacity.

(Well, OK. It's not a GREAT movie. But hell! It' a damn good one!)

1 comment:

Sudhir Pai said...

Hell! It's an awe-fuckin-some flick!